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Top 10 Athletes

Male Individuals

Female Individuals

1. Hannah White (West Point)


2. Payton Boylston (West Point) 


3. Madeline Margevicius (Penn State) 


4. Anders Broussard (Northeastern) 


5. Hailey Conger (West Point)


6. Lauren Demarco (UConn) 


7. Erin Wheeler (Northeastern) 


8. Rylie Fry (West Point)


9. Olivia Johnson (West Point)


10. Kathryn Harris (West Point) 



1. Matthew Guenter (Penn State)


2. Thatcher Shepard (West Point)


3. Alexandre Pelletier (UMass)


4. Wolfgang Drake (West Point)


5. Blake Rhymes (West Point)


6. Colin Fenster (USCGA)


7. Hunter Cochran (West Point)


8. John Boase (West Point)


9. Jeffrey Aldrich (Penn State)


10. Thomas Batt (West Point)


Fall 2018 Calendar

3/25     Race Mania Summit


4/7       West Point Duathlon​


4/27     Collegiate Nationals


8/25     Cranberry Sprint


9/1        Lake George Olympic


9/8        Lobsterman Olympic


9/16      Buzzard's Bay Sprint


9/23      Westchester Olympic (Champs)


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