The Boston Tri and Summer Qualifiers

Every summer our conference designates a few races as nationals qualifying events. These events do not score points towards conference standings, but they do allow individuals who race them to qualify for the olympic distance race at nationals. The idea behind this is to make sure athletes not able to attend our fall races for reasons such as studying abroad can confirm their nationals qualification beforehand. They are also great opportunities to reach outside the geographical norms of our fall schedule to enable teams located far from our points races to have their opportunity as well. In turn we hope this will help develop those programs so they can one day afford such travel. And finally, it gives our teams an opportunity to keep in shape during the summer so they are primed for the fall season!

This year the following races are nationals qualifiers: NE Season Opener, Mighty Moraine Sprint, Boston Tri (Sprint or Olympic), and Lobsterman Tri.
The Boston Triathlon is a new addition that has never been a fall scoring race or a nationals qualifying race in the past. We are excited to add Boston as a nationals qualifier as it has been nationally recognized as one of the premier triathlons in the country, and additionally, they have made a strong commitment to collegiate aged athletes by providing a 50% discount at any of their races. You can read about the race in these features from Slowtwitch and Triathlete.
Registration for these races can be found by following these links: